04E145704P 04E145721C 04E145721B 04E145721F 04E145721FX 04E145703T 04E145703DX 04E145721FV 04E145703TV 04E145704CV 04E145704PV 04E145713AX 04E145721BX 04E145703KX 04E145703TX 04E145704CX 04E145704PX 04E145721G 04E145701B 04E145713A 04E145703K. 1395 ccm 103 kW, 140 BHP 110 kW, 150 BHP CPTA CHPA CZDA CZEA CZDD CZDB CZEA CHPB RHF3. The old/broken unit has to be complete and come with electronic actuator and unbroken plugs.
All turbochargers are remanufactured in EU under ISO 9001:2015 certificate. We don't sell turbochargers remanufactured in China. All turbocharges undergo stringent quality control before being released for sale. Undamaged, in their original and undamaged packaging, unprimed and complete with all tags attached.